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Angus Cattle that do more with less... 









We believe that Angus cattle in North America have gone too far from what they were intended. For many breeders its all about grain finished and high energy rations. We had to search long and hard for genetics that went back to their roots... to find the ultimate "grass converters". Look hard enough and you will find it. We were able to conect with a group of New Zealand breeders that had that vision and kept true to the breed without following all the fads and trends that have come and gone.

Bulls that are 100% Forage Developed... 

At Venator Ranches we develop bulls differently. They are summered on high quality pastures and only wintered on hay. We believe this improves longevity and fertility but most of all helps to select for the bulls that have doability. Bulls rasied this way are fit and athletic, and are capable of breeding more cows than the overweight feedlot fed bulls. Our New Zealand genetics have been line bred for many generations, so there is predicatebility... Easy calving, growth and gut capacity... What more woudl a commerical producer want?  

October 2011 082
October 2011 029
October 2011 085
October 2011 030
October 2011 089
October 2011 079
October 2011 033
July 2014 076
July 2014 118
July 2011 016
January 2011 029
January 2011 025
February 2011 171
July 2011 229
July 2011 032
February 2012 428
February 2012 418
February 2012 502
July 2014 074
July 2014 076
February 2013 050
January 2013 2012 003
February 2013 153
February 2013 136
January 2013 2012 014
February 2010 105
February 2010 126
February 2010 332
August 2010 060
July 2010 075

© 2022 Venator Ranches Ltd.

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